Community Development Publications and Reports

A collage showing snapshots of speakers addressing a crowd, a full conference room with a screen stating 'Conversations on Equity,' and people lined up in front of a building called 'Opportunity Center.'

Community Development publications cover topics including affordable banking; impact investing; principles for launching a successful initiative; trends impacting families and communities; and more.

Featured Publications

  • Disconnected young adults: a look at the Eighth Federal Reserve District.

    Disconnected Young Adults: A Look at the Eighth Federal Reserve District

    How are high levels of economic disconnection among young adults nationwide reflected in our region? Our 2024 report examines young adults who are neither in school nor working by geography, race, education and income to better understand who makes up this population, their labor market experiences and what barriers to greater economic participation they may face.

  • An illustration of a pie chart depicted as a pie filled with coins and money states that the top 10% (12.9 million families) owned 76% of the wealth, while the next 40% (51.5 million families) owned 22% of the wealth. The bottom 50% (64.3 million families) owned just 1% of the wealth, and 13.4 million families in this group had negative net worth.

    The State of U.S. Household Wealth

    View quarterly data based on the average, inflation-adjusted household wealth of various demographic groups in the U.S. The report seeks to quantify the magnitude of U.S. wealth gaps over time, an important step toward understanding why such differences persist.

  • Daycare providers and children play with toys at a table

    Economic Impact of Child Care by State

    Get child care data for all 50 states, including affordability estimates, labor force participation rates and statistics about workforce-related struggles facing child care providers. Fact sheets prepared by Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis researchers.

Archived Community Development booklets, guides, and brochures and reports and research can be found on FRASER, the digital library of economic history.