Investing in Rural Prosperity

Rural communities throughout the United States are vibrant places with great people, rich culture and heritage, and deep social ties. But many rural communities have been buffeted by the increasing prominence of automation and the knowledge-based economy, along with long-term challenges arising from lower educational levels, remoteness and other factors. As a result, many communities are at a crossroads, wondering which direction will lead to prosperity for all. Investing in Rural Prosperity seeks to help people living in rural areas navigate the challenges and opportunities they face to achieve a prosperous future.

View highlights from our 2023 Investing in Rural Prosperity event below.


Investing in Rural Prosperity, published by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis in collaboration with the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, seeks to help rural individuals and communities achieve shared economic prosperity.

By outlining a framework for how to approach rural development successfully and showcasing stories of progress in different communities—as well as highlighting opportunities for policymakers, practitioners, funders and researchers—the editors and authors hope to advance this important goal.

The book includes contributions from 79 authors in the United States and abroad who represent financial institutions, nonprofits, philanthropies, academia and government agencies.

The chapters touch on a wide range of topics, including entrepreneurship support, workforce development, energy-efficient manufactured housing and digital inclusion. The book delves into the challenges of our past and the promise of our future. Ultimately, Investing in Rural Prosperity is a call to action, so we can realize that promise—together.

The views expressed in the book do not necessarily reflect the views of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, or the Federal Reserve System.


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