The Little Rock Branch

Headshot of Matuschka Briggs

Matuschka Lindo Briggs | View bio

Senior Vice President Matuschka Lindo Briggs leads the Little Rock Branch of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, serving the majority of Arkansas, except northeast Arkansas: Little Rock zone map - PDF.

We supervise banks, participate in community development efforts and provide economic education, among other regional engagement.

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Learn more about the Speakers Bureau: As part of the St. Louis Fed’s outreach and education efforts, some Bank staff members give speeches to public, professional and civic groups. Topics include the role and responsibilities of the Federal Reserve, economic outlooks, banking and finance, and payment systems.

About the Little Rock Branch


Little Rock Branch Board of Directors: The board provides one of the most direct ways for our team to gauge economic conditions in the region. Representing all parts of the Little Rock Zone, the seven board members play a major role in helping the St. Louis Fed monitor the area’s economic pulse.

Advisory Councils and Boards

Industry Councils: The St. Louis Fed’s Industry Councils are a significant part of the conversation. The four councils—health care, real estate, transportation and agribusiness, the last of which is headed by the Little Rock regional executive—consist of industry leaders who gather semiannually to discuss business conditions.

Community Depository Institutions Advisory Council: This council is composed of 12 executives of smaller financial institutions across the Eighth District. They advise on the credit, banking and economic conditions facing their institutions and their communities.

Community Development Advisory Council: Leaders from organizations throughout the Eighth Federal Reserve District serve on this council. They represent nonprofit organizations, financial institutions, universities, government and foundations.

Branch Educator Advisory Boards: These educators strengthen the branch’s connections to schools and universities. They provide feedback about St. Louis Fed materials and opportunities for teachers.

Outreach and Education

Man and woman walk in foyer next to welcome table at an event.

Matuschka Lindo Briggs, regional executive of the Little Rock Branch, regularly speaks with business, civic and community groups to explain the functions of the St. Louis Fed.

Community development: The Little Rock Branch hosts community development events and facilitates partnerships with local/regional nonprofits to ensure fair and equal access to credit for low-income populations.

For teachers and students: Our team promotes learning economics and personal finance. Working with advisory boards made up of local educators, we produce lesson plans and online resources.