Education Resources Recommended by Kelly Oliva


Kelly Oliva is an instructional designer at the St. Louis Fed. Kelly’s favorite resources are listed below.

Sneak-a-nomics: How to Unlock Economics Lessons with a Good Story

In this second episode of the Sneak-a-nomics podcast, hear from two educators about what goes into writing engaging economics and personal finance lessons using children’s literature.

Dr. Seuss’s ABC: An Amazing Alphabet Book! Lesson

In this lesson, students learn what goods and services are with Dr. Seuss’s ABC: An Amazing Alphabet Book!. Students listen to the story and identify letters and goods and services from the book that begin with those letters.

Peanut Butter and Cupcake Lesson for Grades 1-3

This lesson provides the basis for understanding that a change in the price of one good affects the demand for goods that are complements to or substitutes for that good.

Lessons for Teaching Data Literacy

This series can be used by university and school faculty and staff to teach students how to reliably identify, interpret, and communicate data.

Barbie® in the Labor Force Lesson

In this lesson, students use primary documents to review historical trends in women's share of the labor force and chosen occupations using Barbie's careers as a timeline.


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