Bank On National Data Hub


BankOn logo on blue background

The St. Louis Fed and Cities for Financial Empowerment (CFE) Fund established the Bank On National Data (BOND) Hub to present metrics from financial institutions related to account openings, account usage and consistency, and online access.

View Bank On Reports

We are pleased to share a comprehensive review of certified Bank On account data from participating financial institutions in the reports below.

Reports have been adjusted to reflect the year of data submission.

Each year, the St. Louis Fed invites all financial institutions with accounts certified as meeting the Bank On National Account Standards to report data to its BOND Hub. Metrics collected have been determined in consultation with the CFE Fund and its Bank On National Advisory Board. Data are aggregated and released annually.


For questions or more information about the Bank On National Data Hub, contact Lisa Locke, For members of the news media, contact

2023 Bank On Account Data

The following interactive tool displays Bank On-certified accounts at the ZIP code, metropolitan and micropolitan statistical area, and state levels to illustrate the growth of the Bank On market and to support local banking access efforts. Learn more in our 2023 report.

Because of the nature of the data collection and limits on the data that some financial institutions could provide, a year-to-year comparison of all data points is not applicable. The “total number of accounts ever opened” variable is reported only for large financial institutions. We will update the report and data files when data for the remaining financial institutions become available.