FRED® Blog Reading Q&As


FRED® Blog Reading Q&As are based on posts from the FRED Blog. Each short reading offers an economic insight based on a FRED graph and includes multiple-choice questions on information literacy, numeracy and economic analysis skills. Students practice how to read data graphs and tell the story behind the numbers.

Teachers: Find FRED Blog Reading Q&As in our Econ Lowdown Teacher Portal. Once you are logged in, go to the Resource Gallery and filter by “Resource Type: FRED® Blog Q&As” to easily locate and preview the FRED Blog Reading Q&A assignments.

Some examples include:

Calculating the value of women’s unpaid work

The value of unpaid domestic labor is one economic contribution from women that’s often ignored. This FRED Blog post uses data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, among other sources, to calculate the value of U.S. women’s domestic labor that goes unpaid. The dollar value of that unpaid labor is about the same as all the economic activity recorded in the state of New York.

Labor force participation rates of armed forces veterans

Between 2000 and 2020, the proportion of women veterans in the labor force was significantly higher than that of men. This FRED Blog post uses data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics to discuss the composition effect behind the fact that the average labor force participation rate across genders does not accurately reflect the experience of women veterans.

National income’s connection to life expectancy

This FRED Blog post uses data from the World Bank to compare life expectancy and income across three groups of countries and the U.S. It discusses the strong direct correlation between life expectancy and national income.



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Education Level: 9-12 College
Subjects: Economics AP Economics Data Literacy
Concepts: Wealth/Inequality Employment Unemployment
Resource Types: Data Charts/Graphs Online Module
Languages: English