No Scarcity of Resources for AP Microeconomics Webinar Recordings
In this recorded webinar series, the St. Louis Fed's economic education team and veteran instructors discuss resources, best practices and tips for teaching AP Microeconomics. Each interactive, one-hour session focuses on one unit of the AP Micro curriculum.
AP Micro LIVE Review for Students 2024

Related: View webinar recordings and resources from the No Scarcity of Resources for AP Macroeconomics Webinars.
Expand each section below to view a webinar recording and the resources highlighted during the webinar.
Webinar Recording
- Video: Explore Economics Video Series—Scarcity
- Lesson Plan: PACED Pretzels (PDF)
Production Possibilities Curve
- Lesson Plan: Production Possibilities
- Video: Economic Lowdown Video Series—Production Possibilities Frontier, Segment 1; Production Possibilities Frontier, Segment 2; Production Possibilities Frontier, Segment 3
Comparative Advantage
- Lesson Plan: Comparative Advantage
- Econ Lowdown Module: Jack of All Trades—Comparative Advantage
- Video: How Trade Helps Each Side
Marginal Analysis
- Tool for Review: AP Macroeconomics Entrance and Exit Tickets
- Tool for Review: AP Microeconomics Entrance and Exit Tickets
- Lesson Plan: Saving the Environment with Economic Ideas—Lesson 3: Marginal Analysis: How Clean Is Clean Enough?
Additional Resources
- Check out Econ Lowdown for more resources that can be assigned to students through the portal, including premade syllabi for various macroeconomics and microeconomics units.
- Page One Economics® articles aligned with the AP Macroeconomics curriculum
- Page One Economics®articles aligned with the AP Microeconomics curriculum
- Classroom Resources to Teach AP Macroeconomics
Released FRQs
Webinar Recording
Demand and Supply
- Slides: Demand and Supply Determinants (.pptx)
- Econ Lowdown Module: Demand / Supply
- Video: Economic Lowdown Video Series—Demand / Supply
- Podcast: Economic Lowdown Audio Series—Demand / Supply
- Podcast: Planet Money: Quebec’s Maple Syrup Stockpile
- Page One Economics®: The Science of Supply and Demand
- Page One Economics®: Consumer Spending and the COVID-19 Pandemic
Market Equilibrium and Consumer and Producer Surplus
- Econ Lowdown Module: Market Equilibrium
- Video: Economic Lowdown Video Series—Equilibrium
- Podcast: Economic Lowdown Audio Series—Market Equilibrium
- Slides: The Illustrated Consumer and Producer Surplus Lesson
- Slides: Tax Incidence
Government Intervention in Markets
- Page One Economics®: Would Increasing the Minimum Wage Reduce Poverty?
- Lesson Plan: Using a Structured Minimum Wage Debate in the Economics Classroom
- Article: Econ Primer: Why Price Controls Should Stay in the History Books
International Trade and Public Policy
Additional Resources
- Page One Economics® articles aligned with the AP Microeconomics curriculum
- AP Microeconomics Entrance and Exit Tickets
Released FRQs
Webinar Recording
Market Structures
Production Costs
- Page One Economics®: The Productivity Puzzle
- Slides: Market Structures Cost Curves
Shutdown Decision
Perfect Competition
- Slides: Perfect Competition
Additional Resources
- Check out Econ Lowdown for more resources that can be assigned to students through the portal, including premade syllabi for various macroeconomics and microeconomics units.
- Page One Economics® articles aligned with the AP Macroeconomics curriculum
- Page One Economics® articles aligned with the AP Microeconomics curriculum
- Tool for Review: AP Macroeconomics Entrance and Exit Tickets
- Tool for Review: AP Microeconomics Entrance and Exit Tickets
Released FRQs
Webinar Recording
Imperfect Markets
- Lesson: Teaching Market Structures with Gum
- Page One Economics®: The Economics of Flying the Friendly Skies
- Visuals/Lesson: Monopoly
- Lesson: Can You Join the League (Baseball)
Price Discrimination
- Page One Economics®: The Rising Cost of College: Tuition, Financial Aid & Price Discrimination
Monopolistic Competition
- Visuals / Lesson: Monopolistic Competition
- Page One Economics®: Advertising—Dollars & Decisions
Oligopoly & Game Theory
- Lesson: Can You Join the League (Football)
- Resource: Planet Money: Quebec’s Maple Syrup Stockpile
Additional Resources
- Check out Econ Lowdown for more resources that can be assigned to students through the portal, including premade syllabi for various macroeconomics and microeconomics units.
- Page One Economics® articles aligned with the AP Macroeconomics curriculum
- Page One Economics® articles aligned with the AP Microeconomics curriculum
- Tool for Review: AP Macroeconomics Entrance and Exit Tickets
- Tool for Review: AP Microeconomics Entrance and Exit Tickets
Released FRQs
Webinar Recording
Factor Markets
- Page One Economics®: Will Your Smartphone Get You a Job?
- Page One Economics®: Would Increasing the Minimum Wage Reduce Poverty?
- Page One Economics®: The Productivity Puzzle
- Lesson: Professional Basketball—Can You Join the Association?
- Page One Economics®: Market Structure & the NCAA
Additional Resources
- Check out Econ Lowdown for more resources that can be assigned to students through the portal, including premade syllabi for various macroeconomics and microeconomics units.
- Page One Economics® articles aligned with the AP Macroeconomics curriculum
- Page One Economics® articles aligned with the AP Microeconomics curriculum
- Tool for Review: AP Macroeconomics Entrance and Exit Tickets
- Tool for Review: AP Microeconomics Entrance and Exit Tickets
Released FRQs
Webinar Recording
- Podcast: Economic Lowdown Audio Series—Externalities
- Video: Economic Lowdown Video Series—Externalities
- Lesson: Herd Immunity and Positive Externalities
- Curriculum: Saving the Environment with Economic Ideas (Lesson 2)
Public vs. Private Goods
- Podcast: Economic Lowdown Audio Series—Public Goods
- Podcast: Planet Money: When Should Government Foot the Bill? Public Goods and Government Spending
- Page One Economics®: Income and Wealth Inequality
- Page One Economics®: Gini in a Bottle: Some Facts on Income Inequality
Final Exam Review/AP Exam Test Prep
- AP Micro Shower Curtain Project
- Test Question Enhancement/Correction Form
- FRQ Practice
- FRQs Aligned by Unit
- FRQs Aligned by Unit Scoring Guide
- Practice Exam Tracker Spreadsheet
Additional Resources
- Check out Econ Lowdown for more resources that can be assigned to students through the portal, including premade syllabi for various macroeconomics and microeconomics units.
- Page One Economics® articles aligned with the AP Macroeconomics curriculum
- Page One Economics® articles aligned with the AP Microeconomics curriculum
- Tool for Review: AP Macroeconomics Entrance and Exit Tickets
- Tool for Review: AP Microeconomics Entrance and Exit Tickets
Released FRQs
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