Sheep in a Shop Lesson for Grades K-2


Sheep in a Shop book cover

Students listen to a story about sheep that go shopping for a gift. Unfortunately, they don't have quite enough money and must barter wool to obtain the gift they want. The students discuss what barter is and suggest other solutions to the sheep's problems. Students earn cotton balls and pennies for work that they do. They use the cotton balls to decorate a sheep and use extra cotton balls and pennies to buy additional decorations for their sheep.

•  Lesson (pdf)

•  Whiteboard (SMART/notebook)

•  Whiteboard (ActivInspire/flipchart)

•  Q&A (pdf)

Parents: View the Q&A using Sheep in a Shop.

This lesson plan is designed for teaching grades K, 1, and 2.

Book written by Nancy Shaw / ISBN: 978-0-395-70672-5. This book is in print and available.

Braille and Talking Book versions are available via the National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled. Library of Congress catalogue numbers are provided for accessible versions. The books can be accessed through BARD (Braille and Audio Reading Download). The book is available in Talking Book LCCN 2014878627.


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