When Introducing Economics to Students, It Helps to Keep Things Simple


Greg Mankiw

Harvard University economics professor Greg Mankiw talks with the St. Louis Fed’s Scott Wolla about why he uses simple language to teach complex economic concepts.

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When introducing economics to students, Harvard University economics professor Greg Mankiw says it helps to keep it simple. “Maybe they will only take one course in economics,” Mankiw says. “So the question is, for that student, what can you leave them with?” With that in mind, Mankiw wrote the hugely influential Principles of Economics more like a magazine than a traditional textbook. In this episode, Mankiw discusses his journey to the field and how down-to-earth language can unlock students’ understanding of complex economic concepts.


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Education Level: 9-12 College Non-educators
Subjects: Economics Professional Development
Resource Types: Podcast Series
Languages: English