The Panic of 1907: J.P. Morgan and the Money Trust


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The Panic of 1907 was a financial crisis set off by a series of bad banking decisions and a frenzy of withdrawals caused by public distrust of the banking system. J.P. Morgan and other wealthy Wall Street bankers lent their own funds to save the country from a severe financial crisis. But what happens when a single man or small group of men have the power to control the finances of a country? In this lesson, students will learn about the Panic of 1907 and the measures Morgan used to finance and save the major banks and trust companies. Students will also practice close reading to analyze texts from the Pujo hearings, newspapers, and reactionary articles to develop an evidence-based argument about whether or not a money trust—a Morgan-led cartel—existed.

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Education Level: 9-12
Subjects: Economics History Civics/Government
Concepts: Banks Market Structure
Resource Types: Lesson
Languages: English