Women in Economics: Amanda Bayer

March 27, 2019

Amanda Bayer

Amanda Bayer, the Franklin E. and Betty Barr Chair in Economics and chair of the Economics Department at Swarthmore College.

Amanda Bayer is hopeful and optimistic about increasing diversity in the field of economics: “There is enough action coming from enough quarters that we have the potential to change the culture of our profession.”

Bayer, a professor of economics at Swarthmore College who is currently serving as a visiting senior adviser at the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, has studied diversity, inclusion and innovation in economics. She says attention to this matter at the Fed is understandable “because it’s the policymaking bodies that have direct impact on the lives of individuals, and they understand their mission is to serve the public and they want to do that as well as possible.”

Bayer talks with Katrina Stierholz, St. Louis Fed vice president and director of library and research information services, about her research on how to get a more diverse set of students into economics classrooms. She also discussed her work with David Wilcox, former director of the research and statistics division of the Federal Reserve System Board of Governors. Wilcox was also interviewed for the Women in Economics podcast series.

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This podcast highlights the research and careers of those making their marks in the field of economics. Views expressed are not necessarily those of the St. Louis Fed or Federal Reserve System.