Leadership & Governance


Board of Directors

The St. Louis Fed is a corporation chartered under the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. As part of the Act, the St. Louis Fed is subject to the supervision of a board of nine directors who are selected as provided in the Act and who are familiar with economic and credit conditions in the Eighth Federal Reserve District. In addition, directors provide oversight of St. Louis Fed management.

Executive Leadership

Our president, first vice president and a team of Federal Reserve officers manage the St. Louis Fed’s day-to-day operations. Our Executive Leadership Committee is the central policymaking body of the Bank and is responsible for setting the direction of the organization.

Conduct and Ethics Rules

Directors of Federal Reserve banks have a special obligation for maintaining the integrity, dignity, and reputation of the Federal Reserve System. View Director Conduct.

The St. Louis Fed’s Code of Conduct (PDF) outlines expectations for all employees, including the need to avoid actual and apparent conflicts of interest. In addition, the president and first vice president are subject to the Board of Governors’ Voluntary Guide to Conduct for Senior Officials (PDF).

FOMC policymakers, including Reserve Bank presidents, must be especially vigilant about potential conflicts and impartiality concerns in accordance with the Federal Reserve’s Ethics and Values. The Federal Reserve Board of Governors has established a broad set of rules that prohibit the purchase of individual securities, restrict active trading, and ensure the timeliness of reporting and public disclosure by Fed policymakers and senior staff. View the Investment and Trading Policy for FOMC Officials (PDF) and learn more about the Ethical Rules and Restrictions Applicable to Reserve Bank Presidents (PDF).

President’s Financial Disclosures

Reserve Bank presidents are required to file annual financial disclosures that are made publicly available. Individuals who are new to the position must file a financial disclosure form 30 days after assuming the role. Financial disclosure forms are then reviewed by the relevant Reserve Bank’s ethics officer and the Board of Governors’ designated agency ethics official. After approval, the form is posted on the relevant Reserve Bank’s public website.

View the St. Louis Fed president’s financial disclosure forms.


For additional information about the St. Louis Fed’s governance practices, ethics rules and disclosure forms, please submit a request to the Ethics Officer.

For media inquiries, email MediaInquiries@stls.frb.org.