Annual Report 2017 | Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Unconventional A Policymaker's Reflections on Crisis to Recovery

Bank Timeline


April 1, 2008

James Bullard becomes the St. Louis Fed’s president and CEO, succeeding William Poole. Bullard joined the Bank in 1990 as an economist in the Research division.

Nov. 21, 2008

The St. Louis Fed wins the Missouri Quality Award, the state’s official award for business excellence. Selection criteria include strengths in leadership, strategic planning, and customer and market focus.

Sept. 12, 2011
Dialogue with the Fed

The St. Louis Fed launches Dialogue with the Fed, an evening lecture series for the general public. Delving into key economic issues of the day, the first lecture is "Lessons Learned from the Financial Crisis."

May 23, 2013
Center for Household Financial Stability

The St. Louis Fed opens its Center for Household Financial Stability. The Center conducts research and organizes forums locally and nationally to address the balance sheets of struggling American families.

Oct. 3, 2013
Community Banking in the 21st Century

The St. Louis Fed hosts the first Community Banking in the 21st Century research and policy conference. Sponsored by the Federal Reserve System and Conference of State Bank Supervisors, this annual event gathers bankers, academics and regulators to discuss the latest findings on community banking.

April 28, 2014

The U.S. Treasury designates the St. Louis Fed as a “core” Reserve bank to support its cash management, accounting, collateral and enterprise functions. The Bank assumes responsibility for five additional fiscal agent functions formerly provided by other Reserve banks.

Sept. 22, 2014
Economy Museum

The St. Louis Fed opens its Economy Museum to the public. This interactive and free museum is dedicated to increasing financial literacy and economic education.

Nov. 16, 2014

The St. Louis Fed commemorates its centennial year. The Bank chronicles its birth and what lies ahead for the “maverick” of the Fed system in its 2013 annual report.

Oct. 22, 2015

FRASER® (Federal Reserve Archival System for Economic Research) reaches a milestone of more than a half a million archival items. A digital library of U.S. economic, financial and banking history, FRASER provides the public with free access to data and policy documents from many institutions, particularly the Federal Reserve System.

June 24, 2016
Top Workplaces Award 2016

The St. Louis Fed is ranked the No. 1 Top Workplace in St. Louis (large-employer category) by the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. The Bank’s culture, work-life offerings and employee-led resource groups are featured.

Oct. 19, 2016
Econ Lowdown

The Bank’s Econ Lowdown teacher portal crosses the 1 million threshold in online enrollments for K-12 educational courses and videos on economics and financial literacy.

Sept. 9, 2017

The St. Louis Fed’s signature economic database FRED® (Federal Reserve Economic Data) tops the 500,000 mark in data series. The database began in 1991 as a dial-up electronic bulletin board with 30 data series. Today, its more than half a million data series are accessed online by users worldwide.

Dec. 3, 2017
Branch Centennial

The Louisville Branch of the St. Louis Fed marks its centennial. Historic photos are available in FRASER. The Memphis Branch marks its centennial in September 2018, and the Little Rock Branch celebrates its centennial in January 2019.