Learning and Earning Digital Badges


Digital badges are learning tools. Rather than asking learners to absorb information, our digital badging programs present learners with dynamic opportunities to acquire and demonstrate their new or existing expertise. Many of our individual badges can be stacked into an overall marker of achievement, identifying the owner of the badge as a highly skilled or well-informed individual.

Each topic in the programs listed below is matched to a digital badge issued by Credly. Those who successfully complete individual modules will receive, at no cost, Credly badges certifying their achievement. After completing the individual modules in a program, you will receive a digital micro-credential.

We currently offer the following digital badging opportunities to help with your professional development and continuing education:

A digital badge is recognition for learning that you accomplish outside the typical or traditional classroom. Your skills and experience are verified by an external entity, and you can instantly share your digital credentials and promote your learning achievements with your online networks. Digital badges are a great way to show your ongoing commitment to learning and your own higher education as you earn each badge.


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