Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Announces Director of Its Institute for Economic Equity

June 23, 2021

ST. LOUIS – The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis has announced that William M. Rodgers III will join the Bank as vice president and inaugural director of the Bank’s Institute for Economic Equity, effective July 12.

Launched in early 2021, the Institute works to support an economy that works for all households and communities in the Eighth Federal Reserve District and beyond by examining how structural and historical factors contribute to economic inequities and by advancing evidence-based ideas and policy analysis to foster a more equitable economy.

“My personal mission is to empower people and communities with economic thought and analysis,” Rodgers said. “The opportunity to serve as the Institute's inaugural director allows me to continue this work with an outstanding team, not only in the Eighth District but across the Federal Reserve System.”

Rodgers comes to the Bank from Rutgers University, where he was professor of public policy and chief economist at the Heldrich Center for Workforce Development. He previously served as chief economist at the U.S. Department of Labor and as an economics professor at the College of William and Mary, where he also served as director of the Center for the Study of Equality.  He holds a doctorate and master’s degree in economics from Harvard University, a master’s degree in economics from the University of California at Santa Barbara and a bachelor’s degree in economics from Dartmouth College.

“We are thrilled to welcome Bill to the St. Louis Fed,” said St. Louis Fed Vice President and Community Affairs Officer Daniel Paul Davis. “Bill's research interests and expertise align with the Institute’s aim to identify structural and institutional disparities that suppress the ability of historically marginalized communities to participate in and derive benefit from the economy.”

Visit stlouisfed.org/institute-for-economic-equity to learn more about the Institute.

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