Federal Reserve Bank Holiday Schedule


Below is the holiday schedule observed by the Federal Reserve System. For any holidays falling on a Saturday, Federal Reserve banks and branches will be open the preceding Friday; however, the Board of Governors will be closed. For any holidays falling on a Sunday, all Federal Reserve offices will be closed the following Monday.

2025 Federal Reserve Holidays

Holiday Date
New Year's Day Wednesday, January 1
Martin Luther King Jr. Day Monday, January 20
Washington's Birthday (Presidents Day) Monday, February 17
Memorial Day Monday, May 26
Juneteenth National Independence Day Thursday, June 19
Independence Day Friday, July 4
Labor Day Monday, September 1
Columbus Day Monday, October 13
Veterans Day Tuesday, November 11
Thanksgiving Day Thursday, November 27
Christmas Day Thursday, December 25

2024 Federal Reserve Holidays

Holiday Date
New Year's Day Monday, January 1
Martin Luther King Jr. Day Monday, January 15
Washington's Birthday (Presidents Day) Monday, February 19
Memorial Day Monday, May 27
Juneteenth National Independence Day Wednesday, June 19
Independence Day Thursday, July 4
Labor Day Monday, September 2
Columbus Day Monday, October 14
Veterans Day Monday, November 11
Thanksgiving Day Thursday, November 28
Christmas Day Wednesday, December 25

Federal Reserve holiday schedule through 2028.